What are the Best Tees to Use for Driving Range Mats?
What are the Best Tees to Use for Driving Range Mats?
Most golfers don't think much about the tees which they use on the golf course, or on the practice range for that matter, but tees really can make a significant difference in your shot-making when you think about it. For one thing, it's the only stroke on the golf course where you can control the lie of your ball, and have it fully exposed so that it can be struck cleanly by any golf club.
You also have the capability of setting up your tee as low or as high as you want it, so that you can at least theoretically hit the ball higher or lower as needed. Ordinary golf tees can be purchased at the rate of hundreds for just a few dollars, and indeed that is how most golfers purchase them. However, there are some specialty tees available which can help you take advantage of course conditions so that at least for one shot each hole, you can achieve the most favorable result possible.
What to look for in a golf tee?
The first thing you should look for in a golf tee is its height because not all tees can be used with all clubs. When you plan to tee off with a large-head driver, you'll probably need a four-inch tee, so as to have enough room for that big clubhead to get under the ball. For medium-head drivers, you'll probably want to use a 3-1/4 inch tee, and for small head drivers, a 2.75-inch tee would be more useful.
When you intend to tee off with a fairway wood or a hybrid, you may want to choose a 2-1/4 inch tee, and for teeing off with irons, a 1-1/2-inch tee is the most desirable. Another thing to look for when you're purchasing tees is the amount of friction that gets imparted to the ball, and this is important because lower friction means longer distance.
Of course, there are things you can do in your swing which will have a bigger impact on achieving more distance, but if you're looking for every possible advantage, low friction tees should be something you should consider.
If you are a person who believes strongly in conserving the environment, you may want to seek out environmentally friendly golf tees made of bamboo. These types of tees won't break nearly as often as standard tees will, and that means you won't be littering the golf course with broken tees on every other hole. Bamboo is also more renewable than traditional wood is, so from that standpoint also it's a better choice as your personal tee.
Tips for using golf tees
You might not think there's much involved with using your golf tees, but the best use can be made of your golf tees if you understand a few things behind the scenes. For instance, you will generally get more yardage out of your tee shot by teeing it up higher, whereas teeing the ball lower will usually take distance away from your shot.
On the other hand, when you tee the ball up lower, you will generally be more accurate than you would with a high tee, so when you have a narrow fairway, you might be better off to tee the ball up lower.
When there is no clear-cut advantage to going either high or low, you may want to just split the distance, and tee up your ball in the middle range. If you're a senior player and have difficulty bending over frequently, you can use a golf tee and ball setter which will allow you to plunge the tee into the ground without having to bend over. This may save you on back injuries and backaches, and you'll have more energy available for striking the golf ball.
If you really want to save yourself some aggravation, you can purchase a golf tee dispenser, which is a small container that can be clipped on your bag, and dispenses tees for you as needed. This is much more preferable than carrying a pocket full of tees which are stabbing you all around the golf course, or of carrying tees in one of the side bags of your golf bag, which forces you to go fishing around for a tee inside the bag whenever you need one.
How to get better at golf
Once you learn the basic principles of golf, and you have a pretty solid and stable golf swing, the best way for you to get better at the game is to practice as often as possible. In order to do this, it's advisable for you to purchase your own practice golf mat which you can use at home. This way, you won't have to go to a driving range several times a week and purchase a bucket of balls. Over a period of time, this could get to be a very expensive proposition, so you're much better off to purchase a refurbished practice golf mat from the Rawhide Golf Ball Company, and keep swinging in the comfort of your own backyard, at no expense whatsoever.
Where to buy driving range mats
Buying a practice mat at Rawhide Golf Ball Company will allow you to be sure that you're purchasing a high-quality product at approximately one-third or one-quarter of what it would cost you if you purchased the same golf mat new. All Rawhide practice mats have been thoroughly cleaned and tested for quality, to ensure that they are as close as possible to simulating real golf course conditions and that they will hold up under long-term practice conditions. If you want to make a cost-effective purchase that you get tremendous usage out of, there's no better company in the country to buy your practice golf mat from than Rawhide.
Final thoughts
When you're looking for the ideal golf tee for your personal usage, keep in mind that course conditions may call for you to use several different types of tees, especially with regard to the height of the tee. If you have a nice wide fairway with a generous landing area, that would be the time to go with a high 4-inch tee, where you could just blast away without fear of losing the ball.
In situations where you have tighter fairways and you have to be a little more concerned about accuracy, that would be the time to go with a shorter tee, perhaps 3-inches or a little more than that. After you've used each of these tee types in different conditions, you'll gradually learn what's best for your game, and how to get the most out of your tees and your golf shots.